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This is a useful file for finding out the definitions of biblical, theological, and liturgical terms. It also inlcudes Christian history through the centuries in a chronological order. The DiccionarioBibliaTeologicoLeonDufourpdf can be found on our website which has been created by the Catholic Church to help people with their spiritual needs. We hope this will help you to learn more about what they teach in church or will simply provide you with an easy way to know when they talk about God or Jesus Christ, sin etc. The terms are all explained there too so that you can understand what they mean if you were not familiar with them before reading further about them here... The Catholic Church has a lot of beliefs and teachings that we should learn about and this PDF file is like a dictionary that will help you find out what they mean and how important they are. Reading the DiccionarioBibliaTeologicoLeonDufourpdf will give you an idea as to answer questions such as: What is the Catholic Church? To learn more about the Catholic Church, click here...Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity in the world today. Its 1.2 billion followers make up about 1/3 of all Christians and approximately 1/8th of the total human population throughout the world. It is a culturally diverse religion encompassing numerous different nationalities and cultures. Catholicism is most dominant in Europe, Central America, South America, and the United States. The word "catholic" is derived from the Greek word katholikos meaning "universal." Thus, catholicity denotes the universal nature of the Church. The Catholic Church is also known as the Roman Catholic Church to distinguish it from Eastern Catholic Churches that are in communion with Rome but utilize their own liturgies. The concept of Roman Catholicism arose in 1521 when Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation by publicly nailing his Ninety-Five Theses on the doors of Wittenberg Castle Church. The Catholic Church has long held the doctrines of the Incarnation (God became man), atonement (God sacrificed His only Son for our free will), Miracles (God's power in the lives of people) and the Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). These doctrines are believed because they were taught by Christ Himself in the Bible, by Peter in Acts 2:38, and by Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:6. The Church believes that these doctrines are one in Christ and that they are not something that must be read into the Bible. The Catholic Church believes that Mary was without sin but God saved her so she could faithfully lead humanity to Jesus. She is also known as the Mater Dolorosa, or Mother of Sorrows. This devotion to Mary developed over time and was formalized during the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church has a higher view of marriage than other religions. Marriage has been defined as a sacrament in the Catholic Church, which means it is a visible sign or symbol of something invisible and spiritual. For example, a marriage could not be saved without the consent of God through the Sacrament of Matrimony (see Luke 19:10; Mark 12:18; 1 Corinthians 7:12). Therefore, if you are married in the Catholic Church you will enter Heaven, as opposed to entering Heaven as an Unbaptized person would. eccc085e13

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